Call for papers

Web dev crowd, attention!
Are you interested in spending 5 days of summer on the Croatian coast, soaking up the sun at one of the most popular Mediterranean beaches and hanging out with fellow web professionals, with all expenses covered?
All you have to do is submit your idea for a non-beginner workshop related to the following topics:
PHP: BDD/TDD, Software Architecture, AI/ML, Patterns, Best Practices, Middleware, PHP internals, Schema Design, etc
Symfony: Components, Best Practices, Advanced topics, Apps/tools like eZ Platform or Sylius, Caching, etc
JavaScript: PWA, Service Workers, React, Vue, AI/ML, Testing, Patterns, Best Practices, Performance, etc
We are preparing an exciting companions programme as well so this could be an excellent opportunity for you and your companion to take a few days off and explore magnificent Dalmatia.
Check all the details and send us your application by January 31st, 2021.
We encourage your company or an interested party to sponsor you. By paying for your travel and accommodation costs, they have an opportunity to become our Bronze sponsors.
See you in August 2021 ;-)