Web Summer Camp is skipping 2020

After evaluating the overall COVID-19 situation during the past two months, unfortunately, we decided to cancel Web Summer Camp 2020.
This was a very tough decision to make after running the event for 8 years and putting so much enthusiasm into this year's edition with a new location and conference part. This is definitely not the break we were having in mind, but health and safety are our priority these days.
However, the effort we already put in this year’s event will not go in vain – we are moving the whole experience to 2021. The dates are already set: August 25th - 27th. At the moment, we are working on the schedule with the main goal to keep all of this year's headliners. We also hope that all of you who submitted workshop proposals are willing to keep your application for Web Summer Camp 2021.
Some other events are being rescheduled or going online. We thought about that option as well and realised that much of the experience would be lost that way. Summer is a fundamental part of the whole event, so there is no much room for postponing. As for going online, the whole concept of the event is offline — what we can do for participants that they can't do online. So moving the event to the online field is completely opposite of the idea behind Web Summer Camp :)
Still, we'll do our best to engage the community through occasional content we are currently working on. In the meantime, don't forget you can find the selection of full recorded WEBSC workshops on netgen.io/learn. Join our Slack community, follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and let's keep in touch.
We wish you and your families good health and lots of positive energy!
Looking forward to hanging out with you at Web Summer Camp 2021.